Immunity System Recovery Shots

Immunity System Recovery Shots



Four 2 oz Immunity Shots

Ginger fights off germs, halts the growth of bacteria, and keeps viruses at bay. Prevents oral bacteria from growing, soothes sore muscles, and is an anti-inflammatory. Ginger may help lower blood sugar, lower cholesterol, and relieves indigestion. Lemon supports heart health, helps with weight control, and improves digestive health. Cayenne Pepper is considered a slimming spice that assists in weight loss. Along with soothing cold symptoms and clearing nasal passages, Cayenne contains capsaicin, an active plant compound that has pain-relieving properties. Recent studies have suggested that capsaicin helps kill bacteria, which may have a protective effect against ulcers, the uncomfortable sores that can develop inside the stomach lining or small intestine.

Four 2 oz Immunity Shots.


  • Organic Ginger
  • Organic Lemon
  • Organic Cayenne

Additional information

Weight 1.12 lbs
Dimensions 10 × 13 cm


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