Almond Milk- Sweetened

Almond Milk- Sweetened



Cold Pressed Gwinnett’s ™️ Clean Almond Milk contains sprouted almonds, the main macronutrient is healthful fat.

🥛Plant based Milk

✅Premium Quality.

✅3 Ingredients:

🚫No additives    🚫Not fortified

🚫Non diary        🚫No preservatives

🚫No sugar         🚫No gums

🚫No oils              🚫No Lectins

🚫No Carrageenan (Vegan Milk Replacement)


We soak our raw unpasteurized almonds overnight to remove enzyme inhibitors, which allows optimal digestion. After soaking, we blend the almonds with water and dates.Finally, we cold press it to create our pure almond milk. Almond milk is delicious, it goes great in tea, coffee, smoothies and even cereal!

Sprouted almonds unlocks enzymes that make it much easier to digest and process in the body and offers more nutrients and energy than non sprouted almonds.


  • Sprouted Organic Almonds
  • Organic Dates

  • Water

Additional information

Weight 1.12 lbs
Dimensions 10 × 13 cm
Subscription Options

One Time


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